Go Natural


I am sure like me you have heard people talk about the DIY products they make to get rid of harsh store brought products they are using,  to help the environment by not having to purchase packaging, & to save some money, we all have different reasons.  Mine was all of the above I also noticed that certain items were getting added to my shopping trolley each shop so thought it time I made a conscious effort to see what I could do, how hard would it be to replace regular cleaning items with a DIY version and would I prefer them.  I decided to start with two that I use often, Window cleaner as yes I have a thing about clean windows some may say I am a bit obsessed, and a surface cleaner.  As a lover of doTERRA essential oils I found some awesome recipes which meant I  was able to add these into the products which for me was an added bonus.  When using essential oils you should use glass jars the Amber Glass spray bottles I used are perfect and are currently available in target for $3 but be warned that they are often out of stock as I think more and more people are going down the path of making their own products, so you may have to hunt around. The fancy labels are available online from Wild Essence & Co. If you purchase the labels they also come with recipe suggestions for several cleaning products.  While you may initially need to purchase the jars and the oils you will eventually end up saving and the oils can be used for so many other things in and around your home as well so it is a win win.  I have been using both of these products for several weeks and they work as well as if not better that store brought versions and I love knowing exactly what is in the bottle especially when spraying my kitchen work surfaces. So go on give it a go and don’t forget to let me know how you get on.

NOTE: that I have used doTERRA essential oils, if you are interested in knowing more about them you can send me an email.

Glass Cleaner: 20 drops lemon essential oil then add 50/50 water and vinegar and give a shake before each use.

Surface Spray: 5 drops on guard essential oil, 5 drops orange essential oil, 5 drops lemon essential oil, 5 drops tea tree essential oil, 1 drop oregano essential oil 50/50 water and vinegar shake before each use.

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