
I started taking Pottery lessons with a friend in 2018, it was something that I had always wanted to try my hand at.  I had memories of one of my Aunties doing pottery and was always in awe of the mugs that she made.  I would often admire pottery pieces by other artists so off we went to give it a go, while there were times I thought I would never be able to make something as simple as a vase I didn’t give up, I knew it would take time and a lot of practise to master this craft, though the process is slow and time consuming it is also addictive. I love the creative process of making something from clay, the anticipation of how your pieces will turn out once you have glazed and fired them is a real thrill and something I will never get sick of.  I don’t think people realise the time that goes into something that is hand thrown on the wheel from clay.  Knowing now just what is involved in creating a finished product I appreciate the cost of pottery pieces a lot more.

I am going to take you on my pottery journey so watch this space for updates on pieces I am working on.